Thursday, June 26, 2014

Operation Bleeding Seas II Update

Greetings everyone. So there have been some new developments lately that have had a direct impact on Operation Bleeding Seas II. On the shark and manta ray fronts everything is going to be continuing on as it has thus far. Hopefully I'll have some more shark stuff coming out in the very near future. I should also have another one of those playlist blogs that I did a while back coming out soon as well. I apologize that things have been kind of hit and miss as of late. Complications at work have cut down on my computer time. On the topics of the Faroe Islands, dolphins, and bluefin tuna... To this point I have not done a bluefin tuna blog and I promise I will be getting to it soon. These fish are in a whole lot of trouble and as soon as I can I will be posting about their plight. They are a part of this operation and will continue to be so despite not being a major part. Now for the more complicated part of things.

The issues of the Faroe Islands and Taiji's dolphin slaughter are both huge things that I want to tackle with this blog. During my last campaign I followed and did a lot of spreading of awareness for Anonymous's Operation KillingBay. Earlier in this campaign I made a post about that operation returning in the form of Operation KillingBay2. That operation was to see the Faroe Islands become more of a Twitter/Facebook part of Operation Bleeding Seas II as opposed to one that I would be blogging about often. Well recent developments that I will not be going into here have changed those plans. As of now it seems that Operation KillingBay2 will not be getting off the ground. Again I am not going to go into anything about it and honestly I probably don't know much as to why. With that being said. Dolphins will now be mostly a Twitter/Facebook thing that I cover during this campaign as opposed to one that will be blogged about (of course unless something big happens). Once Taiji begins their annual horrorfest of a slaughter I will again add them to this blog during the fall campaign and at the tail end of this one.

The Faroe Islands will now, as originally planned, be a part of this blog once again. Along with following Sea Shepherd's Operation Grindstop I will be following closely and helping spread awareness for a new Anonymous operation entitled Operation Faroes Killing Bay. It is right around this time of year that the Faroe Islands begin their killings of innocent pilot whales and between Sea Shepherd and Anonymous, it should be really interesting to see what the Faroese people choose to do. Sea Shepherd is on the ground and Anonymous is literally everywhere. Historically the Faroese have never killed whales when Sea Shepherd has been present. Anonymous will not longer stand for the killing of these innocent animals and will do whatever is needed to get these people to realize what they are doing is beyond wrong and stop. I'll be doing my part and be spreading as much awareness about the operation and exposing the Faroe Island pilot whale massacre for what it is.

So that is the current plan for Operation Bleeding Seas II. Needless to say things are looking to get pretty busy across the board here. The probable loss of OpKillingBay is a bit of a let down, but OpFaroesKillingBay is extremely exciting as it is once again time to expose these people just as OperationKillingBay did to Taiji last winter. Stay tuned!!!!!